Language Lab

Language is said to be an expression to feelings and thoughts.As the feeling and thoughts come naturally, so thrir medium of expression should also be as natural. It should match the emotions perfectly, otherwise the listener may perceive it the other way round. This is where a language lab comes to play its role. In every exveptional school,it is a place where one can learn the perfect use of a language.

In DPS Amritsar, language lab is a part and parcel of the process of teaching and learning any language. It may be teaching of foreign languages like French and English, the national language Hindi or the mother tounge Punjabi. Language lab is used as a medium to master the right articulation of these languages. It trains students to learn any of these with precision. It adds those fine touches which, otherwise, remain missing even in the mother tounge, Students get regular periods, as per the turn of their respective classes, to visit this temple of language learning.

In order to help a teacher teach and a student learn, with accuracy, the language lab has been fully equipped with the most modren technology. it provides each and every child with head phones and the teacher with a systemwhereby he/she can control them. It also has a computer attached with a projector and speakers. Moreover, a coloured TV is also there to assist the cause.

To concclude, one can say that DPS, Amritsar is among those rare institutions which provide their students with a perfect language lab to master the fine skills of the languages they learn.
