Fee to be deposited Quarterly:Due Dates

1. Ist Quarter (April, May, June) To be deposited by 10th April positively.(At the time of Admission for New Students)
2. IInd Quarter (July, August, September)To be deposited by 10th July positively.
3. IIIrd Quarter (October, November, December) To be deposited by 10th October positively.
4. IVth Quarter (January, February, March) To be deposited by 10th January positively.
Note:Parents are requested to deposit fee as soon as it is due otherwise the late fee fine will be charged as follows. Instructions for Payment:

1. Fees fall due on 1st month of every quarter e.g. fees for April-June 2017 quarter falls due on 1st April 2017.
2. Last date for deposit of fees is the 15th of the month on which fees fall due.
3. After the last date of payment, fine of Rs. 500/- up to the Last day of the month there after Rs.500/- will be charged after end of the last day of the month will be charged per day.
4. Fees in Cash to be deposited at Bank only.
5. Fees by cheque should be deposited at the Accounts office of the school onlyIf fee is not deposited within a stipulated time limit the name of your child will be struck off from the school rolls.
