Welcome to Our School
Our preschool program has four dedicated classes
The Students develop their own abilities and talents and discover their learning potential to the fullest, which is reached in an invigorating and competitive atmosphere created by excellent facilities, exposure and guidance by the faculty. A distinctive blend of the traditional and modern approach prepares and trains them for the interdependent world we live in.
Both the calibre and commitment of the school towards its students and the community have made it a path-breaker in the pursuit of excellence, firmly committed to the cause of education.
A world of opportunity…
For achieving excellence, the sky is the limit. At DPS Amritsar, the challenge lies both within and outside the classrooms – not only to impart information, but also train the students to comprehend and evaluate the new and to understand things both in their national and global contexts. It has been rightly remarked that ‘There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children – one is roots and the other wings.” It is to this philosophy, the school is firmly committed.